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So... I left a comment the other day, regarding your call for people to sign up for your substack. I answered that call. I also made an offer for your consideration, which I'll paste below. I've seen your previous coverage on the Holodomor, which not many have done. I would think it would be constructive. If you don't want to take the money for yourself personally, then I would gladly donate it to a charity of your choosing. I also do not expect you to be in official capacity, nor a representative of your employer. If you would, so kindly, let me know. Thanks in advance.

Hello Sir. I am a fan of your work and watch what I can before leaving for work. And then I listen in when I can between clients.

I saw you mention during your show yesterday that you made an offer to answer the J-Question if you received 10 substack subscribers the previous day but never reached that goal; so, I subscribed yesterday. However, I would like to make an offer of my own that I hope you would consider. I would like to know if you would conduct an interview with Handsome Truth, the founder of the GDL and GoyimTV. If you would be up for the interview, I will gladly make a donation to cover double the subscriber goal you were wanting ($7x20 subs=$140 total).

His site was recently taken down after The hosting company being pressured by the ADL and the rest of the "crew" in response to his demonstrating his support for Kanye. Let me know what you think or if you have any further questions. I look forward to hearing from you and thanks in advance for your time. Have a good day and God bless.

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