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Hey Harrison. I think that, if enough people worldwide could be awakened to the reality of 9/11, say via a conservative alternative media blitz concentrating on the smoking gun, WTC 7, then it would do much to thwart the progress of the NWO. Richard Gage, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (now separated from same for questioning the COVID narrative), would be *the guy* to spearhead such a campaign. I bet that Naomi Wolf and others in the freedom movement, who are both open~minded and intellectually honest, would be very interested to hear what Mr. Gage has to say. Perhaps Infowars could have Mr. Gage on as a guest and help get the ball rolling in cooperation with other outlets in the freedom movement.

Here's a very simple meme I created that addresses what I believe to be the fundamental weakness in the narrative story: https://www.alwayswyn.com/totaler-krieg

I say we, the people, go back to where this war started and set the record straight !!

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